Importance of Solid Waste Management at Community Level

Solid waste is harmful for our environment. The improper disposal of solid waste results in environmental pollution and adversely affects our health. The chemicals and toxins released from solid waste gradually seep into the soil or enter freshwater bodies like lakes...

The Do’s and Don’ts of Recycling

Recycling waste materials can have a positive impact on our environment. Through recycling, we can conserve energy, save our environment, protect our natural resources and mitigate the effects of global warming. According to the Stanford University’s research, by...

Tips to Minimize Plastic Footprint

Plastic waste is detrimental to our environment. It emits greenhouse gases and adds to land and water pollution. Not only are landfills full of plastic waste that never made its way to the recycling plants, but marine biologists predict that by 2050, there will be...

How Does Plastic Harm the Environment?

Trash usually ends up washing up on beaches and travels throughout oceans and rivers. It affects physical habitants, affects marine life, transports chemical pollutants, and interrupts human uses of coastal, marine, and river environments. Out of all trash, plastic...
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