Renting a dumpster for your home improvement project is an effective way to stay organized among the chaos. But it’s crucial that you take the proper steps to prepare before it arrives. To get the most out of your dumpster renting experience, be sure to learn how to properly prepare for a dumpster rental delivery.

Prepare Ahead of the Delivery Date

As you begin preparing your home for the delivery of your dumpster, be sure to give yourself enough time to complete these preparations. It’s crucial that you commit your delivery date to memory so that you can ensure your property has the space and pathways to accommodate a large dumpster. You can also use this additional time to begin packing up what you’re going to throw away and to place some of those items in an accessible location.

Create Enough Space

Start the process by designating the proper location for your dumpster. Depending on the type of project you’re doing, you’ll want to place the dumpster close to the source of the debris but not in the way of walking areas. For cleaning projects, this spot might be in your driveway; for construction projects, you might need to place the dumpster closer to the worksite.

Next, determine the exact measurements of your rental dumpster and clear your desired location of any obstructions. These things could be cars, tree branches, or even hanging wires. Keep in mind that the physical dimensions of different dumpsters can differ from the amount of storage space. For instance, a dumpster listed as having 10 yards of storage space actually measures about 10 feet long and 8 feet wide in footprint.

Protect the Dropping Point

If your dumpster is going to be dropped off in your driveway, you might want to take special care to protect the driveway from being damaged under the weight. One way to do this is by placing a layer of plywood over the drop-off site before your dumpster arrives. Once it arrives, be sure to inform the driver that you’d like the dumpster placed on the protective surface. Having this extra layer of protection will help prevent new cracks and chips from forming in your driveway.

Clear a Path for Trucks

Just like you need to make sure there’s enough room for your dumpster, you also need to clear a path for the delivery truck to drive up to the drop-off point. Though you’ve already accounted for the height of the dumpster, the height of the delivery truck may be several feet taller. As you clear the dumpster’s resting spot of debris, be sure to clip any low-hanging branches from trees along the delivery path and move any nearby vehicles. This way, your dumpster can be delivered in a safe and efficient manner with reduced risk of accidental damage to your property.

For a quick and efficient dumpster delivery experience, contact Century Waste Management. Our dumpster rentals in the Warren, Michigan, area come in a variety of sizes to fit any project, and we can place them wherever you need them to be.

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